details |
Quaternary |
Atlantic Ocean |
Hollister,C.D. et al. Site 102-103-104: Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge (Northern End). |
1972 |
details |
Late Pliocene |
Early Pleistocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Hollister,C.D. et al. Site 105: Lower Continental Rise Hills. |
1972 |
details |
Pleistocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Hollister,C.D. et al. Site 106: Lower Continental Rise. |
1972 |
details |
Devensian |
Atlantic Ocean |
Harland,R. Dinoflagellates. (In: Site 399,400 and Hole 400A) |
1979 |
details |
Late Quaternary |
Atlantic Ocean |
Montadert,L. et al. Site 402/ Hole 402A |
1979 |
details |
Late Paleocene |
Early Eocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Brown,S. et al. Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of Late Paleocene and Early Eocene sediments from Holes 551, 552, 553A and 555; Leg 81, Deep Sea Drilling Project (Rockall Plateau). |
1984 |
details |
Late Miocene |
Early Pleistocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Shipboard Scientific Party Site 645. |
1987 |
details |
Early Pleistocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Shipboard Scientific Party Site 646. |
1987 |
details |
Late Miocene |
Late Neogene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Shipboard Scientific Party Site 647. |
1987 |
details |
Quaternary |
Atlantic Ocean |
Harland,R. Distribution maps of recent dinoflagellate cysts in bottom sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. |
1983 |
details |
Miocene |
Late Neogene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Engel,E.R. Palynological evidence of climatically relevant events from Miocene sediments from the North Atlantic. |
1992 |
details |
Eocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Head,M.J. et al. A forum on Neogene and Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts. The edited transcrift of a round table discussion held at the Third Workshop on the Neogene and Quaternary dinoflagellates; with taxonomic appendix. |
1993 |
details |
Eocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Head,M.J. Appendix 2: Biostratigraphic summary. (In: Form on Neogene and Quaternary Dinoflagellate Cysts. M.J.Head et al) |
1993 |
details |
Miocene |
Pleistocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Mudie,P.J. et al. Neogene to recent palynostratigraphy of Circum-Arctic Basins;Results of ODP Leg 104, Norwegian Sea, Leg 105, Baffin Bay, and DSDP Site 611, Irminger Sea. (In: Geological History of the Polar Oceans: Arctic Versus Antarctic. U. Bleil and J.Thiede, editor) |
1990 |
details |
Middle Miocene |
Pleistocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Mudie,P.J. et al. Neogene to recent palynostratigraphy of Circum-Arctic Basins;Results of ODP Leg 104, Norwegian Sea, Leg 105, Baffin Bay, and DSDP Site 611, Irminger Sea. (In: Geological History of the Polar Oceans: Arctic Versus Antarctic. U. Bleil and J.Thiede, editor) |
1990 |
details |
Late Neogene |
Pleistocene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Habib,D. Dinoflagellate stratigraphy Leg 11, Deep Sea Drilling Project. |
1972 |
details |
Late Neogene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Edwards,L.E. et al. Pliocene paleoclimatic reconstruction using dinoflagellate cyst; comparison of methods. (In: Pliocene Climates. T.M.Cronin and H.J.Dowsett, editors) |
1991 |