Operculodinium centrocarpum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Santonian Campanian Argentina(Santa Cruz) PŠ¶the de Baldis,E.D. Santonian-Campanian dinoflagellates from the open-sea facies from southern Lago Viedma Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. 1986
details Early Miocene Argentina(Santa Cruz) Barreda,V.D. et al. Continental and marine palynomorphs from the type area of the Monte Leon Formation, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. 2000
details Early Miocene Argentina(Santa Cruz) Barreda,V.D. et al. Palynostratigraphy of Late Oligocene-Miocene deposits in the southern San Jose Gulf area, Santa Cruz Prozince. 2000
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene Argentina(Tierra) Palamarczuk,S. et al. Late Paleogene-Early Neogene palynology, Aries x-1 well, Argentina continental shelf, Tierrs del Fuego, Argentina. 2000
details Eocene Pleistocene Atlantic Coast Offshore Williams,G.L. et al. Palynologic analyses of Upper Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks of the Grand Banks, Atlantic Continental Margin. 1975
details Paleocene Pleistocene Atlantic Coast Offshore Williams,G.L. et al. Distribution patterns of some North Atlantic Cenozoic dinoflagellate cysts. 1977
details Eocene Pleistocene Atlantic Coast Offshore Williams,G.L. et al. Distribution patterns of some North Atlantic Cenozoic dinoflagellate cysts. 1977
details Eocene Miocene Atlantic Coast Offshore Williams,G.L. et al. Distribution patterns of some North Atlantic Cenozoic dinoflagellate cysts. 1977
details Miocene Atlantic Coast Offshore Williams,G.L. et al. Distribution patterns of some North Atlantic Cenozoic dinoflagellate cysts. 1977
details Early Eocene Late Neogene Atlantic Ocean Williams,G.L. Palynological biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Sites 367 and 370. 1978
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene Atlantic Ocean Goodman,D.K. et al. Preliminary dinoflagellate biostratigraphy for the Middle Eocene to Lower Oligocene from the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. 1983
details Miocene Atlantic Ocean Edwards,L.E. Miocene dinocysts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 81, Rockall Plateau, eastern North Atlantic Ocean. 1984
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Atlantic Ocean Harland,R. Quaternary dinoflagelalte cysts from Holes 548 and And 549A, Goban Spur, (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 80). 1984
details Oligocene Miocene Atlantic Ocean Brown,S. et al. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of Paleocene to Miocene sediments from the Goban Spur, (Sites 548-550, Leg 80). 1985
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Atlantic Ocean Harland,R. Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts from Hole 552 A, Rockall Plateau, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 81. 1984
details Late Miocene Pleistocene Atlantic Ocean Mudie,P.J. Palynology and dinoflagellate biostratigraphy of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 94, Sites 607 and 611, North Atlantic Ocean. 1986
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Atlantic Ocean Harland,R. A dinoflagellate cyst record for the Last 0.7 My from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean 1988