
Citations total:
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details Coniacian Maastrichtian USSR(Siberia) Levina,A.P. et al. Senonian Bauxite deposits in Central Siberia and their palynological characteristics. 1978
details Senonian Japan(Honshu I.) Tanai,T. et al. Late Cretaceous-Paleogene stratigraphy in the environs of the Iwate Clay Mine, Northern Kitakami Massif, Northeast Onshu. 1978
details Liassic USSR(Lithuanian SSR) Venozhinskene,A.I. et al. Stratigraphy of Upper Triassic, (Rhaetian,), Jurassic, (Pre Middle Callovian), continental deposits of the western part of the southern Baltic area. (In: Phanerozoic Stratigraphy of the Baltic States Paleontological Assemblages, Structure and Composition of Sediments. V.S.Sorokin, editor) 1978
details Oligocene Middle Miocene USSR(Uzbek SSR) Sadovskaya,N.A. Stratigraphic separation of Cenozoic deposits of Fergana by palynolocal investigation 1978
details Middle Albian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Kirikiltsa,S.I. et al. Barite concentration in Cretaceous sediments of the Chernigovka Trough in the Azov Block of Crystalline Rocks 1978
details Late Pliocene Hungary Roman,S. Contributions to the knowledge of Pollinic flora from the coaly complex and the marly one in the Baraolt Basin. 1978
details Oligocene Late Neogene USSR(Sakhalin Oblast) Brutman,N.J. On the stratigraphic position of palynocomplexes in Cenozoic deposits of northern Sakhalin. (In: The Cenozoic of the Far Eastern Regions of the USSR) 1978
details Early Paleocene Canada(Saskatchewan) Sweet,A.R. Palynology of the Ravenscrag and Frenchman Formation. (In: Coal Resources of Southern Saskatchewan: A model for evaluation methodology. S.H.Whitaker, J.A.Irvine and P.L.Broughton, editors) 1978
details Early Sarmatian Middle Pliocene USSR(Azerbaijan SSR) Dzhabarova,K.S. The development of Neogene flora in Azerbaijan on palynological data 1978
details Late Pliocene Pleistocene USSR(Far East) Sukhoroslov,V.L. Cenozoic deposits of the Valkarai Lowlands (North Chukchi Coast) 1978
details Egerian Middle Pannonian Europe Planderova,E. Microflorizones in Neogene Central Paratethys 1978
details Late Maastrichtian USSR(Sakhalin Oblast) Akhmeteev,M.A. et al. Paleobotanic characteristics of the Danian, Paleocene, and Lower Eocene of West Sakhalin 1978
details Paleocene Miocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Akhmeteev,M.A. et al. Stratigraphy and paleofloristics of the reference section of the Cenozoic of the Southern Primore 1978
details Berriasian Albian USSR(WSL) Rovnina,L.V. et al. Lower Cretaceous deposits. (In: Complex examination of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of Western Siberia. L.A.Rovnina, editor) 1978
details Late Neogene France(Pyrenees,Orient.) Suc,J.-P. The presence of the pollen Hamamelis (Hamamelidaceae, Angiospermae) in the Pliocene of Southern France. 1978
details Late Neogene France(Gard) Suc,J.-P. The presence of the pollen Hamamelis (Hamamelidaceae, Angiospermae) in the Pliocene of Southern France. 1978
details Maastrichtian Paleocene Alabama Jarzen,D.M. The terrestrial palynoflora from the Cretaceous-Tertiary transition, Alabama, USA. 1978