
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Pliocene Japan(Osaka Pref.) Tai,A. A study on the pollen stratigraphy of the Osaka Group, Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits in the Osaka Basin. 1973
details Late Miocene Washington Sparks,D.M. et al. The descriptive palynology of the Montesano Formation, (Upper Miocene), of western Washington. 1973
details Late Pliocene Poland Oszast,J. The Pliocene profile of Domanski Wierch near Czarny Dunajec in the light of palynological investigations, (Western Carathians, Poland). 1973
details Late Pliocene Italy Lona,F. et al. The history of the Plio-Pleistocene of Italy in some lacustrine and marine vegetational sequences. 1973
details Late Paleogene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Akhmeteev,M.A. et al. Fossil remains of the genus Engelhardtia from Cenozoic deposits of Sikhote-Alin and Southern Primorye 1973
details Late Paleocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Akhmeteev,M.A. et al. Maritime Region stratigraphic Counterparts of the Engelhardtia Beds of Korea 1973
details Late Pliocene USSR(Tadzhik SSR) Nikonov,A.A. et al. New data on the Upper Pliocene of the Darvaz range, Tadzhikistan. 1973
details Late Eocene Alaska Biske,S.F. Correlation of Tertiary nonmarine deposits in Alaska and Northeastern Asia. 1973
details Late Eocene Asia Biske,S.F. Correlation of Tertiary nonmarine deposits in Alaska and Northeastern Asia. 1973
details Late Oligocene Asia Biske,S.F. Correlation of Tertiary nonmarine deposits in Alaska and Northeastern Asia. 1973
details Oligocene Miocene Czechoslovakia PacltovŠŽ,B. et al. A new palynological method for the division of the European Oligocene - Miocene. 1973
details Late Neogene France Ballesio,R. et al. Biostratigraphic observations and propositions on the Pliocene-Quaternary boundary. 1973
details Late Neogene France(Puy-de-Dome) Brun,A. The application of geodynamics to the Plio-Pleistocene of the Central Massif. 1973
details Early Tertiary USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Zaklinskaya,E.D. et al. Palynocomplexes of the Paleogene deposits of the Zaisan Depression 1973
details Danian Oligocene USSR(Amurskaya Oblast) Ziva,M.V. Palynological characteristic of Paleogene deposits of the Amur-Seya Depression. 1973
details Early Tertiary Eocene USSR(Far East) Barbashinova,V.N. Pollen of angiospermae in Paleocene deposits of the Far East, and some new species of formal genus Triatriopollenites Pflug. 1973
details Oligocene Spitsbergen Vakulenko,A.S. The Paleogene spore-pollen complexes of Spitsbergen. 1973