
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Cretaceous New Jersey Doyle,J.A. Cretaceous angiosperm pollen of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and its evolutionary significance. 1969
details Late Neogene Portugal Diniz,F. Pliocene Umbellifers from Rio Major (Portugal). 1969
details Chattian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Veselov,A.A. et al. The Paleogene -Neogene boundary in the Black Sea Depression 1969
details Aquitanian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Veselov,A.A. et al. The Paleogene -Neogene boundary in the Black Sea Depression 1969
details Early Bathonian Late Oxfordian Michigan Shaffer,B.L. Palynology of the Michigan "Red Beds". 1969
details Pannonian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Syabryaj,S.V. Floristic characteristics of the Pannon deposits of the Chop-Mukachevo Depression. 1969
details Berriasian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Pavlov,V.V. Palynological substantiation of the boundry of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Urkyuk-Khaya Promatory, (Pakhsa Peninsula, Anabar Gulf). 1970
details Middle Jurassic USSR(Buryat ASSR) Kotova,I.Z. Palynological substantiation of the age of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments East of Lake Baikal 1970
details Eocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Goncharov,V.F. et al. On the Eocene age of Tastakh series of Yan-Indigirka Lowland 1970
details Aptian Maastrichtian USSR(Siberia) Potapov,S.L. Stratigraphy and conditions of Formation of Cretaceous deposits of the Siberian Platform. (In: Material on Lithology, Stratigraphy and Paleogeography.) 1970
details Middle Jurassic USSR(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Kovalchuk,G.M. Correlation of sections of coal deposits and coal layers of the Nazarovsk Region. (In: The Correlation sections coal deposits by data from palynological method). (In: Methods of correlating profiles Continental Coal Measures exemplified some Mesozoic Basin of Siberia. N.F.Karpov, editor) 1970
details Late Pliocene Czechoslovakia Gabrielova,N. et al. Stratigraphy of the Neogene sediments South of Marienbad 1970
details Cretaceous Poland Mamczar,J. Flora of the Cretaceous; microflora 1970
details Early Cretaceous USSR(Far East) Chlonova,A.F. Divisions of the Upper horizons of the Cretaceous Layers in the Bureinskiy Basin by palynological data 1970
details Late Cretaceous USSR(Far East) Chlonova,A.F. Divisions of the Upper horizons of the Cretaceous Layers in the Bureinskiy Basin by palynological data 1970
details Late Pliocene Japan(Osaka Pref.) Tai,A. Pollen analysis of the Upper Pliocene sediments of the Osaka Group at Tsuchimaru-Oike, Osaka, Japan. The research of younger Cenozoic strata in Kinki District, Part 15 1970
details Late Pliocene Japan(Osaka Pref.) Tai,A. Pollen analysis of the Lower Part of the Osaka Group at Senriyama, Osaka. The research of younger Cenozoic strata in Kinki District, Part 16. 1970