
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene Netherlands Zagwijn,W.H. Ecologic interpretation of a pollen diagram from Neogene beds in the Netherlands. 1967
details Early Eocene England(London) Kedves,M. Spore pollen data from the London Clay. 1967
details Late Eocene Hungary Kedves,M. et al. Evaluation of the spore-pollen assemblage of the Bauxite in Gant. 1967
details Aquitanian France Sittler,C. Evidences of Temperature Increase at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. 1967
details Maastrichtian USSR(Siberia) Brattseva,G.M. The problem of the Tsagaiansk flora with regard to spore and pollen analytical data. 1967
details Paleocene Eocene USSR(Siberia) Brattseva,G.M. The problem of the Tsagaiansk flora with regard to spore and pollen analytical data. 1967
details Bajocian Quaternary Nd Staplin,F.L. et al. Relationships among Gymnospermous pollen. 1967
details Early Oligocene Middle Oligocene USSR(Trans-Urals) Li,P.F. et al. Continental deposits of the Paleogene and Neogene of the eastern Slopes of the Urals and Trans-Urals 1967
details Early Oligocene Middle Oligocene USSR(Urals) Li,P.F. et al. Continental deposits of the Paleogene and Neogene of the eastern Slopes of the Urals and Trans-Urals 1967
details Late Neogene Portugal Diniz,F. The Mediterranean affinities of a Tertiary flora in Portugal 1967
details Miocene Late Neogene USSR(Kirghiz SSR) Abuzyarova,R.Y. Neogene floras of the Mountain Regions of Central Asia and Southern Kazakhstan. (Palynological data of the Tien Shan and the Pmirs) 1967
details Early Paleocene Danian USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Zaklinskaya,E.D. Early Paleogene flora of the northern Hemisphere and paleofloristic Provinces of this age. 1967
details Late Pliocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Velikovskaya,Y.M. et al. Youngest Pliocene of the Transcarpathian Downwarp. 1967
details Middle Pliocene Late Pliocene USSR(Carpathians) Velikovskaya,Y.M. et al. Middle and Upper Pliocene of the Transcarpathian Downwarp. 1967
details Late Pliocene Poland Stachurska,A. et al. Pliocene section at Ruszow in the light of botanical analysis. 1967
details Late Neogene France(Isere) Ballesio,R. et al. The Pliocene of the Bas-Dauphine 1967
details Early Pliocene France(Puy-de-Dome) Brun,A. et al. Palynologic and geodynamic study of the Formation of the Bourboule (France). 1967