
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Villafranchian Algeria Beucher,F. Pollen analysis of sediments of Lower. Villafranchian age from the North-West Sahara. 1965
details Eocene Japan(Hokkaido I.) Tokunaga,S. Fossil pollen and spores in Tertiary Japanese Coals. 1965
details Early Jurassic Middle Jurassic USSR(Caucasus) Yaroshenko,O.P. Spores and pollen complexes of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of northern Caucasus and their stratigraphic importance 1965
details Early Cretaceous USSR(Caucasus) Yaroshenko,O.P. Spores and pollen complexes of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of northern Caucasus and their stratigraphic importance 1965
details Early Tortonian Hungary Nagy,E. et al. Comparative pollen analytic study of the Borings Band 2. and Band 3. 1966
details Early Cretaceous USSR(Primorsk Kray) Verbitskaya,Z.I. On the question of the relation of the Early Cretaceous floras in the southern part of the Maritime Region with the floras in other Regions of the earth (according to paleopalynological data). (In: On the Methods in Paleopalynological Studies.) 1966
details Early Eocene USSR(Yamalo-Nenets) Shakhmundes,V.A. On floristic connections of the North of Western Siberia and Europe in the Early Eocene. (In: On the Methods in Paleopalynological Studies.) 1966
details Aptian Albian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Pervuninskaya,N.A. Substantiation of stratigraphic Division of Lower Cretaceous Coal deposits of the Zhigansk Region based on spore-pollen investigations 1966
details Albian Maastrichtian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Zagoruiko,V.A. et al. Stratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits of the Kyzylkum Depression 1966
details Middle Jurassic USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Semenova,E.V. Palynological characteristic of Jurassic deposits of the North-Western Pary of the Donetsk Basin 1966
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene Hungary Kedves,M. et al. Consideration of Eocene corals and facies ecologic-biostratigraphic significant sporomorphs from the Bakony Mountains. 1966
details Late Cretaceous Kansas Lammons,J.M. Palynologic evidence concerning the environment of deposition of the Pierre Shale, northwest Kansas. 1966
details Eocene USSR(European) Kuznetsova,T.A. Palynological characteristic of Paleogene sediments of Middle Volga 1966
details Late Aptian USSR(Pre-Caucasus) Dzitiev,A.K. Spore-pollen complexes of Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Kuban' Basin (Stavropol' Territory) 1966
details Middle Eocene USSR(European) Kuznetsova,T.A. Pollen and spores from Eocene deposits of the Middle Course of the Volga River. 1966
details Early Eocene USSR(European) Kuznetsova,T.A. Pollen and spores from Eocene deposits of the Middle Course of the Volga River. 1966
details Quaternary Pacific Ocean Groot,J.J. et al. Pollen spectra from deep-sea sediments as indicators of climatic changes in South America. 1966