Acanthodiacrodium tumidum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Paleozoic Nd Cramer,F.H. et al. Lower Paleozoic acritarchs. 1979
details Tremadocian Nd Fensome,R.A. et al. Acritarchs and Fossil Prasinophytes: An index to genera, species and infraspecific taxa. 1990
details Tremadocian Italy(Sardinia) Barca,S. et al. Dating the uppermost part of the Cabitza Formation (southwest Sardinia, Italy) as Ordovician rather than Cambrian, due to the presence of Dictyonema flabelliforme and acritarchs; Geodynamic implications. 1987
details Late Tremadocian Early Arenigian Italy(Sardinia) Pittau Demelia,P. Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) acritarchs of the Arburese Unit southwest Sardinia, (Italy). 1985
details Arenigian Llanvirnian Morocco Fournier-Vinas,C. Ordovician acritarchs of Zekkara, (East Morocco). 1985
details Early Tremadocian Belgium Martin,F. Cambrian-Ordovician acritarchs of the Massif du Brabant, Belgium. 1975
details Ordovician Silurian France(Lot-et-Garonne) Baudelot,S. et al. Paleozoic basins hidden under the Aquitaine: Micropaleontological study of core collected during petroleum investigations. (In: Program of deep geology of France first phase of investigation-1983-1984) 1984
details Tremadocian Llanvirnian France(Lot-et-Garonne) Baudelot,S. et al. Paleozoic basins hidden under the Aquitaine: Micropaleontological study of core collected during petroleum investigations. (In: Program of deep geology of France first phase of investigation-1983-1984) 1984
details Late Tremadocian England(Cumberland) Molyneux,S.G. et al. Discovery of Tremadoc rocks in the Lake District. 1984
details Late Tremadocian England(Cumberland) Molyneux,S.G. et al. Discovery of Tremadoc rocks in the Lake District. 1984
details Tremadocian Iran Ghavidel-Syooki,M. Acritarch biostratigraphy of the Palaeozoic rock units in the Zagros Basin, Southern Iran. (In: Commision Internationale de microflore du Paleozoique (CIMP) Acritarch Subcommision: O.Fatka and T.Servais, editors) 1996