details |
Rupelian |
Germany(Rhineland) |
Pross,J. et al. Paleogene pollen and spores as a tool for quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions: The Rupelian (Oligocene) of central Europe. |
2001 |
details |
Eocene |
Germany(Niedersachsen) |
Lenz,O.K. Pal¤oжkologie eines Kмstenmoores aus dem Eoz¤n Mitteleuropas am Beispiel der Wulfersdorfer Flжze und deren Begleitschichten (Helmstedter Oberflжzgruppe, Tagebau Helmstedt) Dissertation |
2000 |
details |
Middle Eocene |
Czech Republic |
Knobloch,E. et al. Comparison of Eocene plant assemblages of Bohemia (Czech Republ and Saxony (Germany) |
1998 |
details |
Middle Oligocene |
Germany(Brandenburg) |
Mai,D.H. Contributions to the flora of the Middle Oligocene Calau Beds I Brandenburg, Germany |
1998 |
details |
Late Eocene |
Middle Oligocene |
W.Germany(Rhineland) |
Nickel,B. Palynofacies and palynostratigraphy of the Pechelbronn Beds of the northern Upper Rhine Graben |
1996 |
details |
Middle Miocene |
Pliocene |
W.Germany(N.Rhine) |
Ashraf,A.R. et al. Palynology and palynostratigraphy of the Neogene of the Lower Rhine Embayment. Part 1:Spores |
1995 |
details |
Late Eocene |
Early Oligocene |
Poland |
Slodkowska,B. Test reconstruction assemblage Tertiary vegetation northwest Poland on substitute palynology study. |
1994 |
details |
Maestrichtian |
Spain |
Alvarez Ramis,C. et al. Contribution to the Science of Cretaceous palynoflora in the Province of Madrid, Los Alcore, Guadalix de la Sierra. |
1994 |
details |
Ilerdian |
France(Aude) |
Tambareau,Y. et al. Non marine Ilerdian flora and fauna of the Southern Part of the Montagne Noire and of the Montagne D'Alaric |
1991 |
details |
Middle Oligocene |
Czechoslovakia(Bohemia) |
Buzek,C. et al. Floristic changes around Stehlin's Grande Coupure in Central Europe. (In: Global Biological Events in Earth History. E.Knobloch and Z.Kvacek, editors) |
1990 |
details |
Ludian |
Stampian |
France |
Schuler,M. Paleogene environments and paleoclimates. palynology and Ludian-Stampian biostratigraphy of the Eocene and Early Oligocene in the Rhenan, Rhodonian and Hesse Basins |
1990 |
details |
Priabonian |
Czechoslovakia(Bohemia) |
KonzalovЎ,M. Palynological investigation of the Basal Tertiary Sediments, (Paleogene), in Western Bohemia and their correlation with Carpathian Region. |
1990 |
details |
Priabonian |
Czechoslovakia(Slovensko) |
KonzalovЎ,M. Palynological investigation of the Basal Tertiary Sediments, (Paleogene), in Western Bohemia and their correlation with Carpathian Region. |
1990 |
details |
Early Ypresian |
W.Germany(Schleswig) |
Fechner,G.G. et al. Early Eocene spores, pollen and microplancton assemblages from Fehmarn Island, North Germany. |
1988 |
details |
Oligocene |
Poland |
Grabowska,I. et al. Poland. (In: The Northwest European Tertiary Basin. R.Vinken, compiler) |
1988 |
details |
Late Eocene |
Early Miocene |
Poland |
Grabowska,I. Palynofloristic and microplanktonic characteristics of the Tertiary sediments in northern Poland, based of the sections of the Bore Holes ChlapowoiI and Chlapowolii |
1987 |
details |
Pleistocene |
W.Germany(Schleswig) |
Fechner,G. et al. Palynostratigraphic position of Tertiary Age Clay Blocks in the Pleistocene Till of the Fehmann Island, (Northern Germany). |
1986 |