Camarozonosporites heskemensis

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Jackson Vicksburg Alabama Frederiksen,N.O. Stratigraphy and palynology of the Jackson Stage (Upper Eocene), and adjacent strata of Mississippi and Western Alabama. 1967
details Jackson USA(Gulf of Mexico) Frederiksen,N.O. Affinities of Late Eocene spores and pollen grains from southeastern North America. 1977
details Sparnacian Lutetian Hungary Gidai,L. The Eocene in the Region of Dorog 1972
details Lutetian Priabonian Hungary Gidai,L. Key sections of the Eocene in the North-East Region of the Transdanube (Tokod 527 borehole). 1971
details Middle Oligocene Poland Grabowska,I. et al. The age and origin of the Torun Clays from the vicinity of Toryn defined on the basis of palynological and lithological observations. (In: Research on Brown Coal Deposits in Poland, volume 5) 1975
details Oligocene Poland Grabowska,I. et al. Poland. (In: The Northwest European Tertiary Basin. R.Vinken, compiler) 1988
details Middle Oligocene Poland Grabowska,I. The Middle Oligocene age of the Torun Clays, based on the spore and pollen analysis 1965
details Late Eocene Early Miocene Poland Grabowska,I. Palynofloristic and microplanktonic characteristics of the Tertiary sediments in northern Poland, based of the sections of the Bore Holes ChlapowoiI and Chlapowolii 1987
details Oligocene Poland Grabowska,I. Stratigraphy of Palaeogene sediments in the Polish Lowlands in the light of research on microflora. 1974
details Paleogene Neogene Poland Grabowska,I. Flora of the Palaeogene and the Neogene. (In: Catalogue of Fossil. Part 3A. Cainozoic, Tertiary. J.Czerminski, editor) 1977
details Cuisian France(Paris Basin) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Eocene palynology of the Anglo-Parisian Basin. 1977
details Sparnacian France(Paris Basin) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Spore and pollen complexes of the Sparnacian of the Paris Basin. 1967
details Sparnacian France(Paris Basin) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Palynological study of various Sparnacian Beds in the Paris Basin 1968
details Late Sparnacian France(Paris Basin) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Palynological study of the Defense borehole (Paris). 1976
details Cuisian Stampian England(Isle of Wight) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Palynological study of the Paleogene in Southern England. 1976
details Cuisian Stampian England(Sussex) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Palynological study of the Paleogene in Southern England. 1976
details Middle Oligocene Early Miocene Wales(Caernarvonshire) Herbert-Smith,M. The age of the Tertiary deposits of the Llanderdr (Mochras Farm) Borehole as determined from palynological studies. (In: The Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) Borehole. W.Woodland, editor) 1979