Spheripollenites psilatus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Volgian Valanginian USSR(Khabarovsk Kray) Shugaevskaya,O.V. et al. Upper Mesozoic spore and pollen assemblages of southern Far East and their significance for stratigraphy. 1974
details Wealden England Stover,L.E. Comparison of three Cretaceous spore-pollen assemblages from Maryland and England. (In: Palynology in Oil Exploration, Aureal T. Cross, editor) 1964
details Wealden France(Pas-de-Calais) Delcourt,A.F. et al. Spores and pollen grains, Hystrichoshperes and Peridinians in the Wealdian of Feron-Glageon. 1959
details Wealden France(Pas-de-Calais) Delcourt,A.F. et al. A curious association of microfossils from the Wealdian of Feron-Glageon, France. 1959
details Wealden Peru Doubinger,J. et al. Discovery of a Wealdian (Neocomian) microflora in the Cuzco Region (Southern Peru). First dating of the Huacane Sandstone. 1976