details |
Early Cretaceous |
Australia(NSW) |
Martin,H.A. Stratigraphic palynology from shallow Bores in the Namoi River and Gwydir River Valleys, North-Central New South Waes. |
1980 |
details |
Albian |
Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) |
McGregor,D.C. Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous spores and pollen of Arctic Canada. |
1965 |
details |
Early Cretaceous |
Late Cretaceous |
Montana |
Melchior,R.C. Pollen and spores of the Shawmut Anticline, Montana. |
1965 |
details |
Late Albian |
Turonian |
New Zealand |
Mildenhall,D.C. et al. Cretaceous palynomorphs from the Sisters Islets, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. |
1976 |
details |
Ngaterian |
Teratan |
New Zealand |
Mildenhall,D.C. Cretaceous palynomorphs from the Waihere Bay Group and Kahuitara Tuff, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. |
1977 |
details |
Late Berriasian |
Early Valanginian |
France(Puy-de-Dome) |
Millioud,M.E. Palynological study of the type localities at Valangin and Hauterive. |
1967 |
details |
Hauterivian |
France(Puy-de-Dome) |
Millioud,M.E. Palynological study of the type localities at Valangin and Hauterive. |
1967 |
details |
Late Tithonian |
Early Berriasian |
Portugal |
Mohr,B.A.R. New palynological information on the age and environment of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Vertebrate localities of the Iberian Peninsula (Eastern Spain and Portugal) |
1989 |
details |
Neocomian |
Coniacian |
Egypt |
Mohsen,S.A. Cretaceous plant microfossils from the subsurface of Kharga Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. |
1992 |
details |
Middle Berriasian |
France(Jura) |
M©dus,J. et al. Palynology of some Berriasian Emersive levels from the Jura.Assemblages from Sardinia and Pyrenees |
1991 |
details |
Middle Jurassic |
Canada(Ontario) |
Norris,G. Mesozoic palynology of the Moose River Basin. (In: Mesozoic geology and mineral potential of Moose River Basin. I.G.Telford and H.M.Verma, editor) |
1982 |
details |
Bajocian |
Bathonian |
Canada(Ontario) |
Norris,G. Palynofloral evidence for terrestrial Middle Jurassic in the Moose River Basin, Ontario. |
1977 |
details |
Maastrichtian |
Paleocene |
Montana |
Oltz,D.F. Numerical analyses of palynological data from Cretaceous and Early Tertiary sediments in East Central Montana. |
1969 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
Paleocene |
Montana |
Oltz,D.F. Cluster analyses of Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary pollen and spores |
1971 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
Montana |
Oltz,D.F. Cluster analyses of Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary pollen and spores |
1971 |
details |
Barremian |
Middle Albian |
Virginia |
Reinhardt,J. et al. Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the core. |
1980 |
details |
Aptian |
Algeria |
Reyre,Y. Taxonomic value of the structure of the exine of fossil pollen attributed to the Gymnosperms and the Chlamydosperms. |
1968 |