Spheripollenites psilatus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Cretaceous Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. Stratigraphic palynology from shallow Bores in the Namoi River and Gwydir River Valleys, North-Central New South Waes. 1980
details Albian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) McGregor,D.C. Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous spores and pollen of Arctic Canada. 1965
details Early Cretaceous Late Cretaceous Montana Melchior,R.C. Pollen and spores of the Shawmut Anticline, Montana. 1965
details Late Albian Turonian New Zealand Mildenhall,D.C. et al. Cretaceous palynomorphs from the Sisters Islets, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. 1976
details Ngaterian Teratan New Zealand Mildenhall,D.C. Cretaceous palynomorphs from the Waihere Bay Group and Kahuitara Tuff, Chatham Islands, New Zealand. 1977
details Late Berriasian Early Valanginian France(Puy-de-Dome) Millioud,M.E. Palynological study of the type localities at Valangin and Hauterive. 1967
details Hauterivian France(Puy-de-Dome) Millioud,M.E. Palynological study of the type localities at Valangin and Hauterive. 1967
details Late Tithonian Early Berriasian Portugal Mohr,B.A.R. New palynological information on the age and environment of Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Vertebrate localities of the Iberian Peninsula (Eastern Spain and Portugal) 1989
details Neocomian Coniacian Egypt Mohsen,S.A. Cretaceous plant microfossils from the subsurface of Kharga Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. 1992
details Middle Berriasian France(Jura) M©dus,J. et al. Palynology of some Berriasian Emersive levels from the Jura.Assemblages from Sardinia and Pyrenees 1991
details Middle Jurassic Canada(Ontario) Norris,G. Mesozoic palynology of the Moose River Basin. (In: Mesozoic geology and mineral potential of Moose River Basin. I.G.Telford and H.M.Verma, editor) 1982
details Bajocian Bathonian Canada(Ontario) Norris,G. Palynofloral evidence for terrestrial Middle Jurassic in the Moose River Basin, Ontario. 1977
details Maastrichtian Paleocene Montana Oltz,D.F. Numerical analyses of palynological data from Cretaceous and Early Tertiary sediments in East Central Montana. 1969
details Late Cretaceous Paleocene Montana Oltz,D.F. Cluster analyses of Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary pollen and spores 1971
details Late Cretaceous Montana Oltz,D.F. Cluster analyses of Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary pollen and spores 1971
details Barremian Middle Albian Virginia Reinhardt,J. et al. Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the core. 1980
details Aptian Algeria Reyre,Y. Taxonomic value of the structure of the exine of fossil pollen attributed to the Gymnosperms and the Chlamydosperms. 1968