Hymenozonotriletes incisus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Frasnian USSR(European) Filimonova,A.B. Spore complexes of the Middle and Upper Devonian boundary Layers in the Volga-Ural Province. 1957
original Frasnian USSR(Russian Platform) Naumova,S.N. Spore-pollen complexes of the Upper Devonian of the Russian Platform and their significance for stratigraphy 1953
details Frasnian England Mortimer,M.G. et al. The palynology of the Concealed Devonian rocks of Southern England. 1972
details Frasnian Romania Beju,D. Zoning and correlation of the Paleozoic of the Moesian Platform on the basis of palynoprotistological assemblages.1. 1972
details Frasnian Ghana Bar,P. et al. Microflora from the Paleozoic series of Ghana (West Africa), and their paleofloristic relations. 1974
details Frasnian France Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. Remarks on the structure of the genus Hymenozonotriletes (Naoumova,1937?1939) ex Naoumova,1953. 1962
details Frasnian USSR(Permsk Nat.Okrug) Araslanova,R.M. The stratigraphic distribution of spores in Devonian terrigenous deposits of the Perm Region of the Kama. 1973
details Frasnian USSR(Latvian SSR) Ozolina,V.R. Spore and pollen assemblages of the Upper Devonian Ogrskiy Suite of Lativia. 1955
details Frasnian USSR(Latvian SSR) Ozolina,V.R. The spore-pollen Spectrum of Frasnian Stage deposits in the Alanda borehole. 1961
details Frasnian USSR(Latvian SSR) Ozolina,V.R. Pollen and spore analysis of the Frasnian age of Upper Devonian Latvian SSR. 1960
details Frasnian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Raskatova,L.G. A detailed stratigraphic subdivision of the Devonian of the Central Devonian Field in the light of palynological evidence. 1974
details Frasnian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Raznitsyn,V.A. et al. Stratigraphy of the Devonian Dniepter-Donets Basin 1993
details Frasnian USSR(Russian Platform) Lu,L.-C. Middle Devonian microflora from Haickou Formation at Shijiapo in Zhanyi of Yunnan, China 1988
details Frasnian USSR(Kaliningrad) Yalysheva,A.A. Palynostratigraphy of Devonian deposits. (In: Practical Palynostratigraphy. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1990
details Givetian Early Frasnian USSR(Tatar ASSR) Pykhova,N.G. An attempt of a detailed correlation of the terrigenous, productive deposits of the Pashii Formation by means of a spore-pollen analysis, as was previously done with some oil-bearing areas in Setatar SSSR 1960
original Givetian Early Frasnian USSR(Tatar ASSR) Pykhova,N.G. An attempt of a detailed correlation of the terrigenous, productive deposits of the Pashii Formation by means of a spore-pollen analysis, as was previously done with some oil-bearing areas in Setatar SSSR 1960
details Givetian China(Yunnan) Lu,L.-C. Middle Devonian microflora from Haickou Formation at Shijiapo in Zhanyi of Yunnan, China 1988