original |
Frasnian |
USSR(Russian Platform) |
Naumova,S.N. Spore-pollen complexes of the Upper Devonian of the Russian Platform and their significance for stratigraphy |
1953 |
details |
Devonian |
Menner,V.V. The spore-pollen analysis method of direct correlation of strata of diverse facies. Chapter 2: Biostratigraphic principles of correlation of marine, lagoon and continental formations. |
1962 |
details |
Early Frasnian |
Kossovoy,L.S. et al. Upper Devonian spore-pollen complexes of the eastern Slope of North Timan and their biostratigraphic significace. |
1963 |
details |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Urals) |
Batanova,G.P. Colloquium on the studies of fauna, spores and pollen of the Frasnian deposits of the Volga-Urals Oil-Gas Province and adjacnt regions. |
1967 |
details |
Late Devonian |
USSR(Mordovian ASSR) |
Nadler,Y.S. Stratigraphy and palynological characterization of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of the Kuznetsk Basin. Palynological charaterization of Devonian deposits. |
1971 |
details |
Frasnian |
England |
Mortimer,M.G. et al. The palynology of the Concealed Devonian rocks of Southern England. |
1972 |
details |
Frasnian |
Romania |
Beju,D. Zoning and correlation of the Paleozoic of the Moesian Platform on the basis of palynoprotistological assemblages.1. |
1972 |
details |
Middle Devonian |
Kalyuzhnyy,V.A. et al. New data on the lithologic and mineral composition and sequence of the Middle Devonian deposits in the Ukhta District, South Iman |
1962 |
details |
Late Devonian |
USSR(Russian Platform) |
Andreeva,E.M. et al. Palaeopalynology. (Three Volumes: Volume I: Methods. Volume II: Complexes of palynomorphs of the Precambrian-Holocene of the USSR. Volume III: Figures and Plates. Editor-I.M. Pokrovskaya) |
1966 |
details |
Frasnian |
Ghana |
Bar,P. et al. Microflora from the Paleozoic series of Ghana (West Africa), and their paleofloristic relations. |
1974 |
details |
Frasnian |
France |
Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. Remarks on the structure of the genus Hymenozonotriletes (Naoumova,1937?1939) ex Naoumova,1953. |
1962 |
details |
Early Frasnian |
France(Boulonnais) |
Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. On the Lower Frasnian microflora of Beaulieu (Boulonnais). |
1960 |
details |
Paleozoic |
Pashkevich,N.G. et al. Research on the solution of some problems of paleopalynology. |
1975 |
details |
Paleozoic |
USSR(Nenets Nat.Okrug) |
Pashkevich,N.G. et al. Research on the solution of some problems of paleopalynology. |
1975 |
details |
Middle Frasnian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Sergeyeva,L.A. et al. Micropaleophytological characterization of Devonian deposits from the Dnieper-Donets Basin. |
1974 |
details |
Frasnian |
USSR(Permsk Nat.Okrug) |
Araslanova,R.M. The stratigraphic distribution of spores in Devonian terrigenous deposits of the Perm Region of the Kama. |
1973 |
details |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Bashkir ASSR) |
Chibrikova,E.V. Stratigraphy of Devonian and older Paleozoic deposits of the Southern Urals and the Pre-Urals (According to plant Microfssils). |
1977 |