Hymenozonotriletes incisus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Frasnian USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Dibner,A.F. et al. Late Devonian miospore assemblages in terrigenous deposits of Kolguev Island 1988
details Givetian Saudi Arabia Hemer,D.O. et al. Devonian palynology of Saudi Arabia. 1967
details Middle Devonian Arabian Pen.States Al-Laboun,A.A. et al. The Devonian of the Arabian Peninsula. (In: Devonian of the World: Regional Synthesis. N.J.McMillian et al, editors) 1988
details Early Frasnian USSR(Russian Platform) Rzhonsnitskaya,M.A. Biostratigraphic scheme of the Devonian of the Russian Platform. (In: Devonian of the World: Paleontology, Paleoecology and Biostratigraphy. N.J.McMillan et al, editors) 1988
details Early Frasnian USSR(Russian Platform) Kedo,G.I. Spores from the Middle Devonian of the western part of the Russian Platform 1966
details Early Frasnian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Spores from the Middle Devonian of the western part of the Russian Platform 1966
details Middle Givetian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Kedo,G.I. Spores from the Middle Devonian of the western part of the Russian Platform 1966
details Late Givetian USSR(Nenets Nat.Okrug) Andreeva,E.M. et al. A paleobotanical characterization of the Givetian Beds of northern Timan 1967
details Early Frasnian USSR(Nenets Nat.Okrug) Motovilov,P.I. Palynologic features of the Devonian of the Ukhta District 1965
details Early Frasnian USSR(Bashkir ASSR) Arkhangelskaya,A.D. A new spore complex and the problem of the boundary between the Middle and the Upper Devonian in the Volga-Ural Region. 1962
details Early Frasnian USSR(Orenburg) Arkhangelskaya,A.D. A new spore complex and the problem of the boundary between the Middle and the Upper Devonian in the Volga-Ural Region. 1962
details Early Frasnian USSR(Kuybyshev) Arkhangelskaya,A.D. A new spore complex and the problem of the boundary between the Middle and the Upper Devonian in the Volga-Ural Region. 1962
details Early Frasnian USSR(Arkhangelsk Oblast) Kochetkov,O.S. Devonian geology of the Kanin Peninsula 1963
details Frasnian USSR(Far East) Tuzova,L.S. Stratigraphic significance of the Devonian spores and pollen of eastern Tartary 1959
details Frasnian USSR(European) Filimonova,A.B. Spore complexes of the Middle and Upper Devonian boundary Layers in the Volga-Ural Province. 1957
details Early Frasnian USSR(Kirov) Panshina,L.N. Spore-pollen assemblages in the Lower Frasnian deposits of the Syryan Area, (Kirov Region). 1967
details Givetian USSR(Vologda) Nazarenko,A.M. A characterization of the spore assemblages of the Middle Devonian Beds of the Province of Volgograd 1964