original |
Frasnian |
USSR(Russian Platform) |
Naumova,S.N. Spore-pollen complexes of the Upper Devonian of the Russian Platform and their significance for stratigraphy |
1953 |
details |
Givetian |
USSR(Vologda) |
Nazarenko,A.M. A characterization of the spore assemblages of the Middle Devonian Beds of the Province of Volgograd |
1964 |
details |
Frasnian |
USSR(Belorussian SSR) |
Nekryata,N.S. Spore assemblages of the Lower Famennian, (Intersaliferous) Strata of the Pripyat Depression and their stratigraphic significance. |
1974 |
details |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Belorussian SSR) |
Nekryata,N.S. et al. Palynological study of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic deposits of Byelorussia. (In: Palynology in the USSR. A.F.Chlonova, editor) |
1988 |
details |
Eifelian |
Frasnian |
USSR(Udmurt ASSR) |
Ostrovskii,M.I. et al. New information on the structure of the terrigenous Devonian of the central and southern regions of the Udmurtian ASR in connection with the direction of oil-prospecting opertions. |
1965 |
details |
Frasnian |
USSR(Latvian SSR) |
Ozolina,V.R. Spore and pollen assemblages of the Upper Devonian Ogrskiy Suite of Lativia. |
1955 |
details |
Frasnian |
USSR(Latvian SSR) |
Ozolina,V.R. The spore-pollen Spectrum of Frasnian Stage deposits in the Alanda borehole. |
1961 |
details |
Frasnian |
USSR(Latvian SSR) |
Ozolina,V.R. Pollen and spore analysis of the Frasnian age of Upper Devonian Latvian SSR. |
1960 |
details |
Middle Frasnian |
USSR(Latvian SSR) |
Ozolina,V.R. Spore-pollen spectrum of Frasnian age of Upper Devonian, Latvian SSR. |
1963 |
details |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Kirov) |
Panshina,L.N. Spore-pollen assemblages in the Lower Frasnian deposits of the Syryan Area, (Kirov Region). |
1967 |
original |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Urals) |
Panshina,L.N. New species of spores from the Lower Part of the Frasnian Stage of the Volga-Ural Region. |
1971 |
details |
Paleozoic |
Pashkevich,N.G. et al. Research on the solution of some problems of paleopalynology. |
1975 |
details |
Paleozoic |
USSR(Nenets Nat.Okrug) |
Pashkevich,N.G. et al. Research on the solution of some problems of paleopalynology. |
1975 |
details |
Eifelian |
Frasnian |
USSR(Tatar ASSR) |
Pykhova,N.G. Spore and pollen complexes of the terrigenous part of the productive Devonian in the Tatar ASSR, and their stratigraphic significance. |
1960 |
details |
Givetian |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Tatar ASSR) |
Pykhova,N.G. An attempt of a detailed correlation of the terrigenous, productive deposits of the Pashii Formation by means of a spore-pollen analysis, as was previously done with some oil-bearing areas in Setatar SSSR |
1960 |
original |
Givetian |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Tatar ASSR) |
Pykhova,N.G. An attempt of a detailed correlation of the terrigenous, productive deposits of the Pashii Formation by means of a spore-pollen analysis, as was previously done with some oil-bearing areas in Setatar SSSR |
1960 |
details |
Early Frasnian |
USSR(Bashkir ASSR) |
Pykhova,N.G. The use of the method of spore analysis for the correlation of the Pashiya deposits in the Upper Zaitov Field. (In: Oil Field geology and Reservoir Capacity) |
1963 |