
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Tertiary China(Hopei) He,C.-Q. et al. Status quo of Palaeogene microphytoplankton studies in China. (In: Papers for the 5th International Palynological Conference.) 1980
details Maastrichtian Europe Kedves,M. Stratigraphic data on the Upper Cretaceous angiosperms of Europe. 1979
details Eocene England(Hampshire) Boulter,M.C. et al. Objective paleoecological and biostratigraphic interpretation of Tertiary palynological data by multivariate statistical analysis. 1982
details Eocene England(Hampshire) Hubbard,R.N. et al. Reconstruction of Palaeogene climate from palynological evidence. 1983
details Late Neogene Taiwan Huang,T.-C. et al. Pollen analysis of Taiwan Pliocene. (I.) Chuhuangkeng section. 1984
details Paleogene China(Hupei) Wang,K.F. et al. Palynological assemblages of the crude oil from the Buried Hills of China and the research of the oil source 1985
details Early Tertiary Pacific(S.China Sea) Anonymous The Tertiary system of the Continental Shelf in the northern area of the South China Sea 1981
details Early Eocene Virginia Frederiksen,N.O. Paleogene sporomorph stratigraphy, northeastern Virginia. 1977
details Eocene China(Kiangsu) Zhang,Y.-Y. et al. Eocene palynofloras from the Dainan and Sanduo Formations in North Jiangsu with special reference to Eocene climatic changes in Southeast China 1992
details Middle Miocene Poland Ciuk,E. et al. Synthetic stratigraphic section of the Tertiary in the Lubstow Brown Coal deposit at Lubstow, Konin District. 1991
details Paleocene China(Kwangsi) Yang,S. Paleocene palynology of the Shangyang Formation, Hepu Basin, Guangxi, China 1993
details Late Eocene China(Guangxi) Wang,W.-M. Upper Eocene palynoflora from South Guangxi and its bearing on environment. 1993
details Late Eocene China(Guangxi) Li,G. et al. Pollen assemblages of the Late Eocene, Nadu Formation, from the Bose Basin of Guangxi, Southern China. 1999
details Late Sabinian Claiborne USA(Gulf Coast) Frederiksen,N.O. Sporomorph biostratigraphy, floral changes, and paleoclimatology, Eocene and Earliest Oligocene of the eastern Gulf Coast. 1988
details Paleocene Early Eocene North Sea Boulter,M.C. Pollen and spore events from the marine Tertiary of North Europe 1986
details Santonian Early Eocene England(Oxfordshire) Jarzen,D.M. Angiosperm pollen-Keys to the understanding of Cretaceous and Tertiary Flowering plants. 1982
details Late Paleocene Early Eocene Wyoming Farley,M.B. Palynological facies fossils in nonmarine environments in the Paleogene of the Bighorn Basin. 1989