Tubotuberella dangeardii

Citations total:
Author - title
details Nd Canada(NWT,Franklin) Davies,E.H. The dinoflagellate Oppel-zonation of the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sequences in the Sverdrup Basin, Arctic Canada. 1983
details Late Callovian Early Oxfordian Canada(Arctic) Smelror,M. Biogeography of Bathonian to Oxfordian (Jurassic) dinoflagellates: Arctic, northwest Europe and Circum-Mediterranean. 1993
details Early Callovian Early Oxfordian Canada(Alberta) Poulton,T.P. et al. Jurassic strata of Northwestern (and West-Central) Alberta and northeastern British Columbia 1990
details Middle Bathonian Callovian Bulgaria Tchoumatchenco,P. et al. A transitional Realm between Balkan and Moesia; Palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic evolution of the Flysch Trough in Early and Middle Jurassic time (The eastern Stara Planina;Eastern Bulgaria) 1992
details Late Bathonian Callovian Bulgaria Dodekova,L. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Bathonian-Tithonian (Jurassic) of north Bulgaria. I. Taxonomy of Bathonian and Callovian dinoflagellate cysts. 1990
details Early Volgian Barents Sea Smelror,M. et al. The Klippfisk Formation: A new lithostratigraphic unit of Lower Cretaceous platform carbonates on the western Barents Shelf. 1998
details Late Volgian Early Ryazanian Barents Sea Smelror,M. et al. Marine microplankton biostratigraphy of the Volgian - Ryazanian boundary strata,western Barents Shelf. 2005
details Callovian Oxfordian Australia(W.Australia) Riding,J.B. et al. Jurassic, (Toarcian to Kimmeridgian), dinoflagellate cysts and paleoclimates. 1999
details Late Callovian Early Oxfordian Atlantic(Norwegian Sea) Smelror,M. Biogeography of Bathonian to Oxfordian (Jurassic) dinoflagellates: Arctic, northwest Europe and Circum-Mediterranean. 1993
details Middle Oxfordian Early Kimmeridgian Arizona Olmstead,G.A. et al. Oxfordian-Kimmeridigianb (Jurassic) dinoflagellate cysts from the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona 1996
details Callovian Early Oxfordian Arctic Ocean(Barents Sea) Smelror,M. Biogeography of Bathonian to Oxfordian (Jurassic) dinoflagellates: Arctic, northwest Europe and Circum-Mediterranean. 1993