
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Carboniferous Argentina(La Rioja) C©sari,S.N. The palynolozone Potonieisporites-Lundblandispora of the Cuenea Paganzo 1985
details Permian Daemon,R.F. Essay on the distribution and zoning of the Upper Paleozoic sporomorphs of the Parana Basin. 1966
details Middle Pennsylvanian Late Pennsylvanian USA(Midwest) Daghlian,C.P. et al. A new structurally preserved Pennsylvanian Cordaitean pollen organ. 1979
details Middle Pennsylvanian Late Pennsylvanian France Daghlian,C.P. et al. A new structurally preserved Pennsylvanian Cordaitean pollen organ. 1979
details Westphalian D Stephanian C Brazil(Sergipe) de Lima,M.R. et al. Reevaluation of the palynological data of the Brazilian Upper Paleozoic. 1982
details Artinskian Brazil de Lima,M.R. et al. Reevaluation of the palynological data of the Brazilian Upper Paleozoic. 1982
details Westphalian D Stephanian C Brazil(Alagoas) de Lima,M.R. et al. Reevaluation of the palynological data of the Brazilian Upper Paleozoic. 1982
details Late Carboniferous Brazil(Alagoas) de Lima,M.R. et al. Re-Evaluation of palynological data on the Upper Paleozoic of Brazil 1982
details Artinskian Brazil de Lima,M.R. et al. Re-Evaluation of palynological data on the Upper Paleozoic of Brazil 1982
details Sakmarian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Debovich,G.S. On the age and stratigraphic significance of redeposited Carboniferous spores in Lower Permian deposits of the Pre-Caspian. (In: Stratigraphy and Correlation of Sediments Using Palynology Methods. Materials IV All-Union Palynological Conference. G.N.Papulov, editor) 1983
details Sakmarian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Dedovich,G.S. The stratigraphical importance of redeposited Carboniferous spores in Lower Permian deposits of the Caspian Depression. (In: Stratigraphy and Correlation of Sediments Using Palynology Methods. Materials IV All-Union Palynological Conference. G.N.Papulov, editor) 1983
details Late Westphalian B Early Westphalian C Oklahoma Dempsey,J.E. Sporomorphs from Lower and Upper Mcalester Coals (Pennsylvanian) of Oklahoma 1967
details Late Westphalian B Early Westphalian C Arkansas Dempsey,J.E. Sporomorphs from Lower and Upper Mcalester Coals (Pennsylvanian) of Oklahoma 1967
details Stephanian Autunian France Doubinger,J. et al. The Stephanian-Autunian boundary 1982
details Late Autunian France(Aveyron) Doubinger,J. et al. Paleoxylology, comparative anatomic study of Scleromedulloxylon aveyronense, nov.gen., nov.sp., from the Permian of St.Affrique, (Aveyron, France). Taxanomic and stratigraphic considerations. 1975
details Stephanian B Autunian France(Saone-et-Loire) Doubinger,J. Palynological study of some samples of Coal in the Autun Museum 1962
details Stephanian A France(Tarn) Doubinger,J. A comparative palynological study of Coal Measures and sterile layers in some Stephanian Basins. 1967