
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Stephanian C W.Germany(Saarland) Bharadwaj,D.C. Sporological evidence on the boundaries of the stratigraphical subdivisions in the Upper Pennsylvanian strata of Euope and North America. 1960
details Westphalian B Westphalian D W.Germany(Saarland) Bharadwaj,D.C. Sporological evidence on the boundaries of the stratigraphical subdivisions in the Upper Pennsylvanian strata of Euope and North America. 1960
details Westphalian B Westphalian D W.Germany(N.Rhine) Bharadwaj,D.C. Sporological evidence on the boundaries of the stratigraphical subdivisions in the Upper Pennsylvanian strata of Euope and North America. 1960
details Stephanian A Stephanian B Illinois Bharadwaj,D.C. Sporological evidence on the boundaries of the stratigraphical subdivisions in the Upper Pennsylvanian strata of Euope and North America. 1960
details Westphalian B Westphalian D Illinois Bharadwaj,D.C. Sporological evidence on the boundaries of the stratigraphical subdivisions in the Upper Pennsylvanian strata of Euope and North America. 1960
details Carboniferous Nd Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Suggestions for a morphological classification of sporae dispersae. 1968
details Early Permian Northern Hemisphere Bharadwaj,D.C. Sporological stratigraphy of the Permian Period. 1966
details Pennsylvanian Permian Arizona Blazey,E.B. et al. The fossil flora of the Mogollon Rim, Arizona. 1972
details Artinskian Brazil(Santa Catarina) Bortoluzzi,C.A. et al. Geologic investigations of the Santa Catarina Coal Basin, stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology and petrography of coals. 1978
details Autunian Spain Broutin,J. The palaeogeographical importance of a mixed flora discovered in the Lower Permian of the South-Western Iberian Peninsula. 1982
details Autunian Portugal Broutin,J. The palaeogeographical importance of a mixed flora discovered in the Lower Permian of the South-Western Iberian Peninsula. 1982
details Stephanian Roadian Spain Broutin,J. Paleobotanical and palynological studies of the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the Continental Basins of the Southeastern Ossa-Morena zone (Guadalcanal area, Southern Spain). Paleogeographical and stratigraphic implications. 1981
details Pennsylvanian North America Brush,G.S. et al. Identification and structure of Cordaitean pollen. 1962
details Late Carboniferous Early Permian Egypt Burger,D. Palynological investigation of the Cordaites sample. 1963
details Westphalian A Westphalian C Belgium Butterworth,M.A. Miospore distribution in the Namurian and Westphalian. 1964
details Late Namurian B Westphalian D Canada(Nova Scotia) Butterworth,M.A. Miospore distribution in the Namurian and Westphalian. 1964
details Middle Westphalian B Westphalian D France Butterworth,M.A. Miospore distribution in the Namurian and Westphalian. 1964