Palynology and stratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene sequence of the Stirone River (Northern Itay).
Bertolani-Marchetti,D. et al. (1979) Palynology and stratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene sequence of the Stirone River (Northern Itay). Pollen et Spores Vol. 21 # 1 P. 149- 167
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Sciadopytis Sciadopytis Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Sequoia Sequoia Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Taxodium Taxodium Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Pinus Pinus haploxylon Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Pinus Pinus diploxylon Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Tsuga Tsuga Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Cedrus Cedrus Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Picea Picea Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Abies Abies Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Fagus Fagus Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Betula Betula Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Alnus Alnus Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Quercus Quercus Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Carya Carya Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Pterocarya Pterocarya Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Castanea Castanea Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene
Aesculus Aesculus Italy Late Neogene Pleistocene