Division of the Liassic deposits in Poland (Except for the Carpathian area) based on microscope examinations.
Rogalska,M. (1971) Division of the Liassic deposits in Poland (Except for the Carpathian area) based on microscope examinations. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM) Vol. 75 P. 201- 210
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Protoconiferae Protoconiferae Poland Keuper Dogger
Brachyphyllum Brachyphyllum scottii Poland Keuper Dogger
Cheirolepidiaceae Cheirolepidiaceae Poland Keuper Dogger
Pollenites Pollenites torosus Poland Keuper Dogger
Lycopodium Lycopodium inundatum Poland Keuper Liassic
Marattiopsis Marattiopsis Poland Keuper Dogger
Rotundipollenites Rotundipollenites laevis Poland Keuper Dogger
Cycadales Cycadales Poland Keuper Dogger
Ginkgo Ginkgo Poland Keuper Dogger
Paleoconiferae Paleoconiferae Poland Keuper Dogger
Podocarpus Podocarpus Poland Keuper Dogger
Taxaceae Taxaceae Poland Keuper Dogger
Taxodiaceae Taxodiaceae Poland Keuper Dogger
Caytoniales Caytoniales Poland Keuper
Cedrus Cedrus Poland Keuper
Cyatheaceae Cyatheaceae Poland Rhaetian Liassic
Schizaeaceae Schizaeaceae Poland Rhaetian Liassic